Internship vacancies | Robotics AGV - Riwo

Internship vacancies | Robotics AGV

Oldenzaal, Overijssel

RIWO has a large track record in control for automated guides vehicles in agricultural and industrial applications. The current generation of AGVs navigates using guidance wires and RFID tags. Although this is a robust solution in various circumstances, we are seeking opportunities to provide more flexible localization and navigation solutions for our customers. At the R&D department we are investigating the possibilities in the Robotics Operating System to get to functional proof-of-concepts for our AGV solutions.


We have several assignments available related to our AGV development. In all assignments you will learn to use C++ and ROS2 (Robotic Operating System). You will also get the chance to test your software with physical test setups. Assignments can always be tailored to specific interests or requirements imposed by study programs. For the period February – June 2024 we have assignments available with the following topics, the topics may change focus depending on the outcomes of the internship and graduation assignments that are currently running.

1.1 Navigation behavior tree

The behavior tree takes care of high level tasks of the navigation system, such as ‘Go to the docking station’, ‘Go to cattle group X’, ‘Notify when cattle group Y has been fed’. Your task is to investigate and integrate the ROS2 Nav2 Behavior Tree on top of the controllers and planners that have been configured by previous interns.

Suggested programs: (applied) computer science, electrical engineering, mechatronics

1.2 Global localization calibration

The AGV can use multiple absolute sensors, such as RFID tags, visual markers or map fitting, to find its location on the map. These absolute sensors have to be initialized and calibrated properly to match with each other, otherwise every measurement for another absolute sensors will lead to a different location. Your goal is to set up an automated process for this initialization and calibration.

Suggested programs: (applied) computer science, electrical engineering, mechatronics

How we work

All of our student assignments are all related to ongoing R&D projects, so your input may end up in a real product at one of our customers.

At our department we work in with the Agile/SCRUM workflow. At the start of you assignment you will write a problem description in your own words, to see if you clearly understand the goal of the assignment. Then for each 3-week sprint you write a sprint report where you discuss the process, implementation and results of the finished sprint and determine the functional requirements and planning for the upcoming sprint.

At the end of your assignment you will present your achievements to the company in the form of a presentation and demonstration.

We are happy with curious, enthusiastic and independent students who want to look back on a meaningful internship period. You’ll have a lot of freedom to develop yourself, with personal guidance. Take control of your assignment, tailor it to your needs. Your ideas are welcome!

All internship students receive an internship allowance, the amount depends on the level of education.

About RIWO

RIWO specializes in industrial automation and machine and process control. We work on (customized) projects which are prepared in our office and commissioned onsite. Within RIWO, we appreciate an informal and collegial working atmosphere. 

We differentiate ourselves by relieving our customers by supporting them in project management, organization and selection of machine controls, be in lead of automation development, but especially by investing in ourselves. Most importantly, our employees make the difference. By combining the aspects mentioned above, our customer relations will turn into partnerships